Experimenting with an idea. I like the idea of "five for Friday" which I think I will start to participate in but I also like the idea of thinking ahead for the week.
So thought I would start a weekly post with 5 points, which might be around what I am teaching this week, a neat pin or resource I have found, or a blog post which I have read that has motivated me.
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This week I have a very exciting week and we have CAMP! It is either something you look forward to, dread or a mixture of both.
We go to Canberra every second year for Stage 3 camp, looking at Government. I have done this a few times with different schools but I am excited that this is the first year we will get to go to Thredbo. Now, it is too hot I think for snow at the moment BUT it should be a great day of fun - tobogganing and swimming pools. And the other positive is no tents, staying in a motel which should be an interesting experience for the kids.
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Currently teaching Percy Jackson and have been teaching context clues. Will have a foldable activity up in our store later plus a whole Percy Jackson unit which I have enjoyed creating but I did find this great context clue resource which I plan on using this week.
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I am super excited about a graphing activity that I am going to do this week. We are finishing up our week on graphs so I have made all these little bags of mini m'n'ms which students are going to graph data from. Will post up the pictures and results of this fun exercise. Of course they can eat the data after they have graphed it.
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Now we are coming up to the end of the year in Australia. Bit different from you American folks. I want to do some end of year stuff for my year 6's who will be going to high school next year. I found this interesting post about goal setting and so might do some work with them on why it's important and how to set appropriate goals and talk about their future. The pin below has some great guidelines for goal setting.
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The other thing I am excited about is our new product we just put in and I am going to do a little bit of writing work and peer feedback on their writing and use the stars I think this week.
Hope you all have a wonderful week and comment below anything exciting you have planned for this week.
Labels: super share sunday